Our Daily Schedule Includes
Chamber Music/Group Class
Matched by level, students will experience learning not only how to play with peers, but how to constructively rehearse, communicate effectively, and work as a unit with individual roles to work together as a team.

Music Theory &
Students will solidify their foundation on how pieces are structured and created, and have ample opportunities to create their own works to share.

Music Theory
Presented in a storytelling format, students will learn about the patterns of musical history, varieties of regional music by culture, and better understand the context of their music as a snapshot in time.

Peer & Public Performances
These miniature concerts will be opportunities for groups to show off what they've learned, for students to share their creations performed by students and faculty, and to have fun!

Enrollment Form
This document provides basic information about your student to SMP in order for us to best prepare for their arrival. Please provide as much detail as possible.
Liability Waiver
SMP provides every possible safety precaution to our students and faculty, and places health and safety above all. However, we realize that the unexpected can occur, and want to provide ample heads up to families. Please see our waiver below.

SMP Tuition & Deadlines
Tuition is $550 per student for the full program, due in full by July 1, 2023. A nonrefundable deposit of $150 will be required to hold your student's spot and to allow preliminary scheduling of groups and classes to be customized for your child's level. Lunch will be added into the daily schedule, and will be provided by VYCo.
*Enrollment will be limited to the first 12-15 students signed up with deposits paid, due to the size of our indoor space. Additional sign-ups will be put on a Waitlist.
**Classes with larger student numbers will be held outdoors (COVID-safety).